Videos and Webinars
Ms Harriet Rumgay on how alcohol consumption can cause cancer
October, 2021
During October, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) will mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2021 with a series of videos, tweets, and infographics focusing on the Agency’s work to understand and tackle the global burden of breast cancer.
In a new video to mark Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Ms Harriet Rumgay, a researcher in the Cancer Surveillance Branch at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), presents the latest findings on the burden of cancer attributable to alcohol, as well as an overview of how alcohol consumption can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
Find more from IARC
Alcohol and Cancer webinar - What everyone needs to know
May 25, 2021
Organised by: Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare).
With the support of the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe.
Part of European week against Cancer 2021.
Moderator: Dr Peter Rice European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare).
Dr Carina Ferreira Borges a.i. Head, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases & Programme Manager, Alcohol and Illicit Drugs Programme, WHO European Office for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases - Alcohol and Cancer in the WHO European Region
Professor Rui Medeiros President, Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL) - European Code Against Cancer
Mariann Skar Secretary General, European Alcohol Policy Alliance (Eurocare) - Alcohol and the EU’s Beating Cancer Plan
Lauri Beekmann General Secretary, Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN) - Nordic activities on Alcohol and Cancer
NordAN webinar: alcohol and cancer in Nordic countries
October 2020 - Nordic Alcohol and Drug Policy Network (NordAN) organized a webinar on alcohol and cancer link, focusing especially on the awareness problem. The webinar took place on October 28, 2020.
Speakers: Dr Eeva Ollila from the Cancer Society of Finland, Carina Alm from the Norwegian Cancer Society, Dr Jóhanna Eyrún Torfadóttir from the Icelandic Cancer Society, Anne Sofie Plum Christensen from the Danish Cancer Society and Per Leimar from IOGT-NTO from Sweden.
Host: Lauri Beekmann, NordAN Executive director.
Co-host: Nils Garnes, Eurocare.

Alcohol and Cancer Webinar - Awareness Week on Alcohol Relate Harm - AWARH'20
November 2020 - The focus in this webinar is the links between alcohol and cancer and the forthcoming Europe Beating Cancer Plan.
Programme Welcome and introductions - Tiziana Codenotti, Eurocare President
Alcohol and Cancer - Nino Berdzuli, Director, WHO Regional Office Europe, World Health Organization
The impact of Alcohol drinking to the burden of Cancer in WHO European Region - Isabelle Soerjomataram, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
WHO’s new Alcohol and Cancer factsheet: Appeal for better prevention - Carina Ferreira-Borges, European Office for the Prevention and Control of NCDs, WHO Regional Office for Europe
How many cancers can we prevent when increasing alcohol excise tax? - Jürgen Rehm, Institute for Mental Health Policy Research & Campbell Family Mental Health Research Institute, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), Canada
Alcohol and Digestive Cancer – a need for action - Marcus Peck, United European Gastroenterology (UEG)
Alcohol and liver cancer – need for action - Alejandro Forner, European Association for the study of the liver
Conclusions - Tiziana Codenotti, Eurocare President

Alcohol and Cancer Webinar: What’s at stake in Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan?
September 2020 - The webinar was hosted by Jytte Guteland Member of the European Parliament and organised by European Alcohol Policy Alliance, IOGT-NTO, United European Gastroenterology and European Cancer Leagues.
Introduction by Kalle Dramstad, IOGT-NTO: 00:00
Welcome Speech by Jytte Guteland, Member of the European Parliament 00:54
Stephan Haas M.D., United European Gastroenterology: 08:04
Maria Danielsson M.D., Riddargatan 1: Clinic for Alcohol and Health 17:47
Shelia Gilheany, Alcohol Action Ireland 27:45
Dr. Wendy Yared, The Association of European Cancer Leagues 39:46
Hana Horka, EU Commission - Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety 52:31
Q & A Session 01:11:48
Closing Remarks by Mariann Skar, Eurocare 01:24:00